Sunday, November 30, 2014

Drink my beautiful plants, drink! Haven't seen rain in SO long!!!  Let's attack the CA drought!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014

From my family to you & yours, we wish you the Happiest Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Thankful Reflection

It’s officially one day in the calendar year, but being thankful is not just a national holiday, it’s a state of being. That being said, I’m eternally grateful for everything good & wonderful in my life. For my strong marriage packed with genuine love & support–never taken for granted. For my extraordinary boys–I’d love to take more than a passing genetic credit for them , but they are their own persons & filled with goodness–inside & out.

My husband & my children are my inspiration everyday. Their laughter & their energy fuel me to strive to be the best Wife & Mom I can be. I’m thankful that my life journey is accompanied by 3 boys who nourish my soul. I’m filled with abundant love & feel forever thankful every minute of every day.

For my extended family and relatives–loving them is not really a choice–it’s about blood & whatever that comes with–drama or no drama–I’m grateful for their role in our lives. For my dear friends–specially chosen to grace our lives, filling it with joy & laughter–I am always grateful.

Now, that I’ve addressed the most important aspects of my very Blessed life, I just want to address the other things–the little things I’m so incredibly grateful for.

 Saturn LS1.  
Okay, first off…I want to say a big “shout-out” to my 18 year old car baby!
What a work horse this car has been for me! I try to keep him as local as possible, but this year, he’s worked especially hard since the boys have transferred to a school that’s a bit further than their old school. With only occasional & minor maintenance repairs under his belt, he’s exhibited exceptional reliability. In the world of automobiles, my car is a relic, but he’ll always be my baby. And I have to say, for his age, he’s still looking mighty cute!  My car is part of the family. I love him. That’s right. I said it–and I’m not under the influence of any alcohol or drugs.

I’m thankful for so many random things. Here are just some of these things in no particular order, rhyme or reason:
  • For technology! My computer & the internet. I know life existed  before this technology, but I don’t have any desire to go back! I love it & I’m not ashamed to admit it.  For smartphones (which holds my calendar that rules my life) & texting! I hate talking on the phone…text me!!!  That’s right! I said it. Don’t call me, text me!!  And for the DVR! What the heck is live television??!!  I’ll DVR it & watch it later! Yes!!!  For my Kindle!! Do I want to lug around a heavy book?  NO!! And I don’t care about the nostalgia of turning a page! I love my Kindle! For the inventors & innovators of technology…thank you, thank you!
  • For all things pumpkin! My family & I love when they’re in season, which happens to be right now. We groove on pretty much pumpkin anything! Special acknowledgement to Jamba Juice’s Pumpkin Smash–you have ruined us for all other smoothies! So creamy & yummy!  Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin chai tea, pumpkin croissants, pumpkin cinnamon rolls, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin macaroons, pumpkin soup, and yes, pumpkin mochi ice cream (for that one, you must stock up at Trader Joe’s because they run out fast!). Did I miss anything? I’m sure there are other delicious pumpkin concoctions we have yet to try, but we’ve still got a long life to lead. We’ll get there! Thank you, almighty pumpkin, for being so delicious!
  • For my Slow Cooker! I have made many a meal since becoming a mother with my favorite cooking appliance. I started out following recipes but over the years have become more creative with what I throw together. When I know we’re going to have a particularly long day, it’s comforting to start cooking in the morning & know that I will be able to feed my family a nice wholesome dinner towards the end of the day. Thank you, my lovely BKFF–Best Kitchen Friend Forever!
  • For Scripted Television! There was a time that Reality TV (Blah!) was taking over the airwaves & ST was in mortal danger! But I’m glad they’re still around. I love my Vampire Diaries, Reign, Sleepy Hollow, Walking Dead (yes, I’ve been turned thanks to the Husband), & Gotham. Scripted television is creative–being engrossed in a story written by a person or a team of people & getting attached to make-believe characters & feeling like they’re a part of our lives. Thank you television writers! Don’t give up…there are still many of us out here who appreciate what you do!
  • For Inspirational Quotes! I love when I spot a quote on my Facebook or Twitter feed that speaks to me. Some are comforting & some are words I can relate to. Sometimes it can get sassy & sometimes it’s just funny. When you’re having a crazy day, seeing, “Every day is a NEW beginning, take a deep breath and START AGAIN.” is nothing short of a breathe of fresh air. Love these sayings and they do what they’re suppose to for me–they inspire. And I’m thankful!
  • For the Power of Prayer! Seeking help in times of need and for praising what is granted and achieved. I’m Blessed to Believe. And I’m thankful.
I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy all that is in your life…even if it’s just having a life. And Do Good!