Yes, this video features some feisty cockroaches working hard to combat waste in China. I'm sharing it because it's pretty darn cool, but also because it was originally shared on Facebook followed by some super negative criticisms and scathing comments, well known to happen in the Social Media atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, my loved ones can attest to the fact that I'm not a big fan of critters & such and I'm proud of myself for even having the courage to watch this piece. But what got my attention was the reactions I received from my comment.

What I appreciated was that I received 20+ likes for the comment amidst all the other not-so-nice comments on this piece. The reality is, yes, for some of us, dealing with unpleasant things is cringy & we may not want to deal with it or support it. The subject of cockroaches being very high on that list. However, even if you're not an environmentalist, I think it's safe to say that there's SO much waste in the world. Even if you don't think that has any direct impact on your life, having someone find ways to naturally dispose (truly dispose) of waste is generally a pretty good thing. You can tell (maybe) I'm trying to appeal to the non-ecology, possibly anti-Climate Change believers. Either way, there are things to help the earth out there and people willing to & pretty darn smart enough to come up with creative & innovative ways to do it. They need our support. It can be done, it IS already being done. Let's cheer for it. (Even if we're doing this 😬).