I often glorify the act of compassion and forgiveness & I genuinely try to live it out too despite finding it very difficult with certain challenging individuals. But I've often also said that stumbling is okay too. Continuing to move forward & authentically trying to be a better person (despite sometimes & often failing) is all part of the life journey. I thought I knew what compassion & forgiveness were. But then comes Christian Cooper & now I feel like I really do know what they are. He's the now famous "bird watcher" who dared to tell a lady to put her dog on a leash in a public place while she feigns danger from "an African American man". Luckily, he taped it all & well....let's just say, she is now infamously renamed "Karen". (Welcome to 2020) Christian has every right to be angry. And I don't think any reasonable person would blame him if he was bitter towards her & refused to offer any forgiveness. Instead, he remains gracious & gives her a wide birth to better herself as a human being. It doesn't matter if she's genuine. I don't even really care about her response. My feelings for her are much less gracious than Christian's & hopefully karma & the Universe will deal with her. But I admire this man so much. There will always be "Karens" in the world. But very few Christians. So I want to celebrate true compassion. True kindness. True Forgiveness. Thank you Christian Cooper for being that man.
Hoping for true change in this world--an end to systemic racism.