When the pandemic started to close down offices and businesses, there was understandably some anxiety and chaos all around. People that work in the office setting had to adjust and find ways to effectively get work done from home. Thankfully, modern technology has made many things possible and online meetings became a part of daily life. Those that could transition to work-at-home were able to retain their jobs. But others, unfortunately, just simply had to shut down & companies began to lay off workers.
Then, as humans do, it became a matter of labeling people--those in "nonessential" jobs (hairdressers, retail workers, artists etc) & those that are "essential" (medical frontliners, first-responders, grocery store workers, delivery people, etc). I understand this labeling was simply to differentiate those that could still do their jobs and those that had to cease all together.
But I noticed that it became a sort-of status symbol. I started to hear (or see) people say things like, "I'm essential" with a kind of bravado that could possibly be interpreted as someone being more important than another. Even people I know & generally respected loved using the term "essential" and said it as often as possible when asked, "How are you doing during this pandemic?" I'm sure for most, it's a harmless word, just information about whether or not someone still has a job during these crazy times. But I started to see the word differently when I saw a tweet from an actor saying something (not exact words) to the effect of, "I just act, I'm nothing during these times." I realized that this thought was so far from the truth. The jobs that are deemed "nonessential" are certainly not that. They are just as important. I, for one, love artists & entertainers from various genres and wouldn't know what I would do if I didn't have their creativity to get me through some tough times. To me, they are most certainly essential! In fact, I'm that person that is concerned about diminished entertainment content fall-out (that's a mouthful) caused by the Pandemic. So, for me, entertainers of any & all varieties are essential.
So, what do I prefer to use instead of "essential", since I believe everyone is? I like to use "frontliners". I feel like that covers occupations that are exempt from shut-downs. They are the ones making sure that we have medical care, the ones that make sure we still have access to food & supplies, etc. They are at the highest risk of exposure to the virus causing the pandemic and deserve all the accolades and all the gratitude I hope they are receiving. Because, personally, I'm truly grateful to all the frontliners!!! Again, thank you! Thank you! It can't be said enough & I don't mind saying it again. Thank you!
But also thank you to all the hairdressers, nail technicians, make-up artists, entertainment figures, performers, artists and other occupations I fail to mention that enhance life. Because of the pandemic it is more clear than ever that your absence is glaring & your contribution to the world is important---essential. You are essential!
Remember that the only thing constant is change. Things will get better and hopefully, because of the things that we have missed, we will have a better outlook on what's important in life. Wishing everyone safety, peace, & love. 💙
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