The other day while visiting my Mom, she fondly brought up this piece of footage chuckling while she lovingly looked at her two teenage "apos" (grandchildren) who are both taller & bigger than her now (they're bigger than me too). I told her I would find it and send her the link. Of course, once I found it, I had to re-watch it several times.
My teenagers don't giggle and generally react to things in that way anymore. But they're still there. My First-born will still comment about things and think he's super funny doing it. And my Youngest is still compassionate & sweet underneath all that teenage brooding. My boys. 💙💛
So thankful for them and always praying for their health & well being.
Us mothers never stop being mothers. We have to adjust our parenting and let go (a lot) as they grow older, but we're always around when they need us. Sending light & love to all my fellow Moms doing the best they can for their kids. Remember, not all Moms follow the same path. As long as you're doing the best you can & making choices that you feel are right for yourself & your kids, don't worry about your critics. This Mom supports you as a Mom. 🤗 And also remember, be conscious about being "a critic" yourself. Don't judge other Moms.
Lastly, savor the moments. Take pictures, record footage. Pay attention. There are moments that feel endless, but trust me, time never stands still.