I was watching a fictional drama series on Netflix (I won't say the name) about a dance school with a mysterious murderer, etc. etc. As in many shows, there is a lot of backstabbing going on especially between the female characters--they are, after all, vying for the starring role in the current dance production. I was only mildly entertained by the show and to be honest, it's still sitting in my queue waiting to be finished.
During the holiday break, my family and I started binging some shows on HBO Max because they have a lot of content that interests the family, mainly in the DC Universe. 😊The Huz & I have a lot of shows we watch together but it's nice to have some content to watch with our teenagers too. As we were deep into watching one of the shows called "Titans", I was struck by the connections being portrayed between the female superhero characters. What felt different? They are actually friends! I mean, they were rooting for each other, protecting each other, listening to one another & even better--not fighting over a guy or their general place on the team! It was so refreshing! When a new female character was introduced, I expected another character in the same age group to start throwing minor fits or jealousy tantrums. I was surprised to see, however, a very civilized interaction in which the new character is welcomed and no conflict involving tensions between two women for just being two women. I mean, as such, there's all kind of conflicts and plot holes 😁and the show is far from perfect. But I have to give big kudos to how they handle female interaction. Good for the writers! And let's see more of that! 📣
Another show I viewed on Netflix that does a good job with portraying female interaction is a movie called "Fall Out 2: You Got This". In no way am I recommending the movie due to plot or story--this is one of those movies not everyone can sit through due to the general cheesiness and what-not (I'm all about it. LOL!). But what I just wanted to point out is that, again, they portray girls cheering each other on and wanting their female peers to succeed. Yes, there's a villain and the resident bully and whiner, but the idea of women supporting women is there.
I hope that we make a conscientious effort to show and teach young women that there is enough room for everyone to succeed and define their own individual successes. We don't need to tear each other down--there are enough people ready and willing to do that already. Women have come a long way fighting for their rights to be seen and valued in the world. Our journeys are varied and each one of us is amazing and fabulous--whether we choose to be mothers, career women, nurturers, bosses, and/or all of the above. Breast feeding, no breast feeding, changing your name, not changing your name, getting married, choosing to stay single, wanting and having kids, not ever wanting kids--these are all choices women have fought hard to be able to make for themselves. As women, let's support and celebrate our fellow women whatever they choose and be cheerleaders for each other. Leave the cat fights for the cats or the MMA fighters. 😁
As always, sending light & love to you all. 😘