Game of Love by Melissa Foster: My Youngest Son is an avid gamer and quite skilled, so reading about Dex Remington and his history as a gamer and then eventually an ultra successful game programmer was fun! And I have always had a soft spot for kids in the Foster Care system and feel all kind of empathy for the struggles that they go through, so I felt all the appropriate sadness reading about Ellie’s life issues and her belief that she’s not worthy to have someone love her. What a kind yet strong character Dex is. I really enjoyed him overall. And Dex and Ellie’s romance is just lovely, from the first time they met to the progression of the novel.
A Kiss for the Cameras by Olivia Jaymes: This story centers around a “showmance” turned romance between writer Paige and actor Nate. What I liked about this story is that neither character is portrayed as flawless people. Paige is a widow with a son in college so she’s older and has experienced life. Nate is an actor that continues to struggle with acquiring the right roles and maintaining his star status. Both seemed so real and relatable. Even the way the author describes them isn’t as remarkable as other characters in other novels. They are good looking people but normal good looking people, with body issues and insecurities about hairline location. LOL. Read this one & root for Paige and Nate like I did.
A Thousand Letters by Staci Hart: I think my heart broke a thousand times reading this book. Wade and Elliot seem to have every obstacle against them toward their journey to each other. Wade’s pride is one of his downfalls and is the beginning of what separates him from Elliot. As a reader I felt so much affection for Elliot—a truly sweet soul, someone I imagine myself being friends with. She is selfless and compassionate and exhibits these traits despite growing up with a family that is anything but. Elliot’s family—wow!! What a bunch of characters! You’ll have to read this one to see what I mean, but brace yourself, they are something else! There’s also the illness of Wade’s Dad, Rick, and the journey of everyone who has to deal with all the sadness and loss surrounding it. The whole process is a tear-jerker. Despite all the loss, it’s a beautiful story of true and endless love.
Aaaah, the vibes. |