In an effort to incorporate more meatless meals into our food rotation, I've been exploring plant-based, meatless, and Vegan products that are easy to prepare and ready to go. For me, it's not a debate between carnivores and vegans. I know where each stand and I don't hate-on or disrespect either side especially since I myself have not given up eating meat. However, I also know that a diet less dependent on meat is not only good for an individual (most often) but also for the environment and yes, less impact on the cruelty to animals. There are many amazing and delicious plant-based and Vegan recipes out there that I also enjoy attempting, but these reviews will be for a few ready-to-eat (with some easy preparation) products that are available in stores. Be open-minded and be kind. 😘
Field Roast Miniature Plant-Based Corn Dogs (Sam's Club)
I put these in my air-fryer at 330 degrees for 20 minutes. They came out nicely browned and in my opinion, looking quite appealing.
After letting them cool for a few minutes, I went it on these lil' babies. First impression after the first bite: they definitely look and feel like a corn dog. The unusual thing that stood out to me wasn't even the "sausage" that is inside, but the cornbread outer layer. It's kind of powdery or sandy which is distracting. I took a second bite to concentrate on the "sausage" itself and felt that it was just ok, not hugely packed with flavor (I'm a season-your-food type of girl). I also dunked it in some ketchup for the authentic corn dog experience. If no one told me it was plant-based, I don't think I would even question it--maybe wonder about the outer coating--but that's it. The product itself is not super delicious so it isn't something I would crave or seek out. But it's a good product and I would have no problem eating it again.
unMeat Meat-free Sausages Hungarian Style (Seafood City SoCal)
There's an outer clear casing that must be gently removed before you cook them. I cooked them with water in a pan until they looked ready, threw them on a hot dog bun with cheese, then put them in the oven until the cheese melted.
They are slightly paler than a meat hot dog. The bite on these is soft with zero snap which, I believe, alerts a regular meat eater to these being different. The taste is also milder, not as salty or as flavorful as a typical hot dog. I didn't hate these. But if I'm being honest, I didn't enjoy them enough to want to get them again. I feel like there might be other plant-based products out there that could be better. All-in-all though, it wasn't bad. 🤷
Yummy Meatless Vegetable Patties (Grocery Outlet or Ralphs)
This was a fun product to try because I didn't tell The Huz it was a meatless product & I put it in a sandwich. He was expecting it to be a fried chicken patty and was appropriately surprised when it turned out to be something else. On the outside, it looks like a chicken patty especially after a turn in the air fryer, crispy in texture. But on the inside, it doesn't attempt to disguise what it is. You can see the vegetables: carrots, cauliflower, corn and potato all throughout the inside. There is nothing memorable about the flavor, but it isn't awful either. Again, if you're trying to limit your meat intake and want something fast and easy this is a good option. It's not a faux meat substitute either. It is truly a vegetable patty and proud of it.
Jimmy Dean Plant-Based Patty Croissant (Sam's Club)
This is an easy microwave heat and serve product. It has a look and texture of a meat sausage and I believe it can legitimately pass for one if the person eating it was never told it is actually plant-based. As someone who knew it wasn't, I did detect a milder flavor on the sausage. But it was okay for me and I actually don't mind eating this for a quick breakfast. The bread is nice and soft, and the egg and cheese are what you expect it to be. Please note, with the addition of the egg and cheese, this is not a full vegan product.