I don't like driving in the rain, especially when it's pounding super heavy and I can't see the road very clearly. It gives me anxiety. I don't like puddles. I don't like soggy shoes. And I don't think umbrellas do a very good job keeping people dry, especially when it's windy. I definitely don't like being IN the rain, walking around in it, getting my clothes wet. Wow. Can I ever say, "I love the rain!" ever again?! I might have to think twice.
But I do love the rain, right? Yes, sometimes, when it's on my terms. Like, when I'm at home and it's tapping on the roof or the window. I'm underneath a cozy blanket, safe and sound. I love the clean way rain makes me feel, like it's cleansing the world around me. I love the wild flowers that pop up as a result of so much rain. I love the many benefits rain provides--water, healthy plants.
Rain is lovely--overall. But yeah, I can be over it sometimes too. 😁 But yes, I do love the rain. I do. 🤷🤣