Friday, January 29, 2016

Go Ahead, Judge Me

One of my on-going challenges to better myself as a whole individual is to stop judging people. But let's face it, it's not always an easy end goal. My brain just automatically goes into judgement mode when I see or hear things. So with the inspiration of the article 8 Small Things You Do That People Use To Judge Your Personality, I decided to embrace the concept of judging and being judged and turn it into something that has the potential to inspire and engage positivity--after all, that's my ultimate goal (not perfection), always.
I'm sure this is true only some of the time, but I'm going with it!
  • How clean and tidy your home is. This one is funny because the husband & I were just reminiscing the other day and looking at pictures before we had our kids and when our kids were babies.  In the pictures, you can see the rooms in our house. Let's just say, they're a lot less cluttered than they are now.  The boys have over-run our modest family home. It was already not abundant in space, but between their many toys, hobbies, collections & not to mention their backpacks, books's just harder to manage an ultra tidy home.  There are better days (and I try to make those more usual than not) & not so awesome days, so don't judge me. Or go ahead. After all, having a spotless home was never and is never going to be on the top of my priority list.  
    Gotta. Take. That. Selfie. :-P
  • Your Selfie Style.  Oh man. This one is a tough one.  I always feel the criticisms creep into my subconscious when I see people post constant pictures of themselves. And those dreaded duck lip posts? Ugh. (See how judgmental I can be? Ugh. Sorry.) But I myself take endless pictures--granted most are not selfies, but the concept is pretty much the same.  When the boys were little, the Husband and I took photo after photo of them; in different outfits, wherever we went, whoever we encountered. We take several family pictures whenever & wherever we can too. Because of convenience we have been known to take family selfies (or felfies, as they are sometimes referred to) And in the past, I may have opted out of pictures, but lately I've made a conscious effort to be in them...because I want my children to look back and know that the husband and I were present in their lives. So, who am I to judge someone else picture-taking habits.  Maybe they are just happy with how they look? It's better than looking down on yourself, right? 
    I may have done this...maybe...possibly.
  • Your Taste in Music. This totally falls under the "I could care less" category. My own personal style in music is so varied. I listen to everything from ballads, punk rock, rap, hip hop & even show tunes.  The only genre I've never connected with is country and heavy metal.  But honestly, other than the occasional grimace, I don't really judge people on this. Listen to any & all types of music that you like! And please, don't worry about judging me on my musical tastes. I'm not going to change anytime soon. 
    I like what this has to say, so this is acceptable judgment. Ha! :-) 
  • Your Favorite Color. Really? People judge others based on this? My favorite color is baby blue because it reminds me of the beautiful sky. But I love wearing black (it goes with everything) and other than loud neon colors, I don't have strong feelings either way about colors.  So, judge away. I won't be wasting my time. 
    Cute, right? Dogs Vs. Cats...& the debate continues.
  • Whether You're a Dog or Cat Person. Or in my case, a non-domestic animal person.  I don't "hate" dogs or cats or any pets in & of themselves.  I just prefer to not be saddled with the responsibility of taking care of them.  Am I a heartless person? No.  I consider myself an advocate for wildlife conservation and I believe animals have rights to live a life free from torture and abuse.  So, don't judge me as "unfeeling" for not having a pet.  And in regards to pet owners judging each other on dog vs. cat? Well, have at it.  Sounds relatively harmless. 
    I'm more concerned about your soul than your sole. See what I did there? :-D
  • How Worn Your Shoes Are. I notice cute shoes. And then all I really think about is, "Wow, those are cute." My analyzation doesn't go much further than that.  More power to you if you are willing to take the time to look at the soles of people's shoes to figure out how confident they are or what not. I'm not going to waste time judging others on this and I'm not going to lose sleep when other people to choose to judge me as well. 
    Don't hurt animals.
  • How You Treat Animals. This is similar to the "Dog or Cat" judging I previously touched upon.  I think how you choose to treat every living creature is good way of finding out what a person's personality is.  But some people are just more passionate about animals than others.  I don't think it means that one person is any more heartless than another.  Don't torture animals. Beyond that, I won't judge you. Maybe. :-P 
    Try to remember to ask questions and show interest in other people's lives.
  • How Long it Takes you to Ask a Question. This is a tricky one.  I think, in general, people like to talk about themselves a lot. People want to share what they have done, what they do, how brilliant their kids are, etc...and forget or neglect to ask about the lives of who they are speaking to.  I tend to not enjoy talking about myself that much, so I don't mind conversing with someone who likes to talk, as long as the topic isn't too tedious or dare I say it, boring.  But conversations between two or more people completely open a person up for judgement because it's a way to get to know people.  So, you can make a blanket judgement like, "That person is nice", "That person is arrogant", "That person is a loving parent", etc... I guess the trick is to try to keep the judgements leaning towards being positive.  Some people are just going through things & need to express themselves.  You may be the only person they have that particular moment.  Judge wisely.    
As I was completing this entry, I came across a related article called A Harvard Psychologist says People Judge You on 2 Criteria When They First Meet You.  In this article, the focus is on judging someone based on whether someone is trustworthy and/or respectable. Those are not bad traits to look for in a person.

To judge or not to judge. No one's perfect, so just take it easy on people. General rule of thumb, strive for kindness

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Comfort List for a Sick Day

Mouth came up with their own "Sick" Day List...
Unfortunately, during this time of the year we are often surrounded by what I call "the sickies".  It's when you start hearing all the coughing & sniffling around you. People start calling in sick & kids stay home from school.  For Moms it is a dreaded time because we are in constant fear whatever "bug" is going around is going to hit our kids & then ultimately the whole household--and naturally the matriarch nurturers of the family simply don't have the time to lay around being sick. So then we stress over that...which isn't good for us, and so the cycle starts and continues.

I try to stay pro-active with my family...fortifying their immune systems, encouraging them to avoid germs (that's a fancy way of saying "wash your hands often") and stay healthy. Inspired by Mouth, an "Indie Food" and "Tasty Gifts" website, I wanted to share a list of items I use most often during this season...a "Comfort List" to have & use when you do fall into sickness or stuff to use to try & stay healthy. It was a good list to have too, since our household was hit very recently. But like many things, just remember, this too shall pass!
So have you ever heard someone tell you green tea is good for you?
So I make sure we are stocked up on green tea. Our family is used to drinking this throughout the year, so during this particular time of year, we like to change it up and experiment.  My husband decided to be creative and add green tea in hot chocolate. It sounds strange, maybe, but it's actually quite tasty (for us anyway). The hot liquid is comforting during cold weather too so that helps with uplifting moods. 
Maybe Honey & Cinnamon are the answer to world peace?
I discovered the dynamic duo of honey & cinnamon last year a few weeks before our hugely awaited 18-day vacation to Orlando, Florida.  I had been enduring a long-standing cough...I think I was going on week 3. It just didn't seem to want to go away & I thought, "Oh no!, I'll be coughing during our vacation". :-(  Thanks to my very diligent Pinterest research, I discovered the above hack & my life has since forever changed.  I will never suffer cold symptoms for more than a couple of days--or however long my mystical cinnamon & honey saviors take to work their magic. :-)
Chewy Multivitamins for Adults! Thanks Centrum!
Chewy Gummy Multivitamins for the kids! Thanks Target!
Getting a little vitamin boost can't possibly hurt, right? There are so many varieties out there even chewables for adults! What? We want tasty candy thingys too sometimes. :-P Find the right fit for you and your family & you'll feel like you have an extra shield against the free radicals floating around everywhere around you. 
My fridge will always be stocked with these juices!
Why Pineapple Juice? Well according to LA Healthy Living, "pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup". I put this theory to the test recently when I developed a cough complete with some lovely phlegm (sorry about that description, but it's true).  It wasn't an instant cure, but it brought me comfort and my cough wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. I also happen to love pineapple juice so if I'm feeling a little sick, I'll drink this instead of taking some yucky cough syrup. ;-)
Then why grape juice? I was recently turned into this little trick from a post I saw on the internet.  So, I googled the information to see if there was some consensus among the online community to its validity.  According to Must Have Mom, drink grape juice before you develop stomach flu symptoms especially if you know you've been exposed to the virus in some way.  My youngest unfortunately contracted a stomach bug so I made sure that my other son, husband & I drank as much grape juice as we could.  Could be coincidence, but we didn't develop any stomach flu symptoms...and seriously that almost never happens in my household if someone has been exposed.  So, I'm sold on drinking grape juice especially since the whole family likes it anyway.  
Last but certainly not least, get plenty of rest!
If you can swing it, get a warm drink (green tea preferably), cozy up to a warm blanket and rest, rest, rest! Again, I say this as a Mom and I know how difficult getting any rest and relaxation can be when you have a household to take care of. Do the best you can & take care of yourself! As I reminded the boys during the roughest parts of last week, when all is said & done, the most valuable commodity to have in life is good health. Have a great life, everyone!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Let's Build a Glider!

And so begins the creative adventure my guys embarked on involving some left over poster board, scissors, glue, and an adventurous Lego Minifigure. ;-)  :-)
No funner people I ever did see. ♥
If the boys aren't working on their school work & extra homework assignments, they're tinkering with their toys and coming up with their own special projects.  This particular weekend, my youngest one was recovering from an illness so all of us were just relaxing with him, playing some video games, playing catch-up with T.V. shows etc.  All of a sudden, my husband declares, "Let's build a glider!".  The two boys immediately jump aboard the project and much fun was had!
Great minds collaborating....
There were several different versions of the glider--each one created with much enthusiasm.
The test flights were super fun!
So, it didn't always work and the gliding wasn't exactly an "alert the media" event, but man! The guys had fun! They didn't have much time to continue with their ideas on this particular day since we had somewhere to go, but they were enthusiastically coming up with more ways to make the flight more stable.  I know it's an on-going project among their other lists of projects.  I'm proud of my creative and fun guys!

If you've ever built your own glider, I'd love to hear about. Send me a comment or tweet me!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

My First PinchMe Box of Awesome Products!

Received some awesome products to try out!

ScotchBrite Extreme Scrub: I'm still one of those few people in a 1st World planet that still wash dishes by hand. So, I frequently buy dishwashing sponges and scrubs. This product does what it claims. It's high quality and lasts a long time. It may be more expensive that other brands, but it's an effective product. 

Oil of Olay: I love this product! It glides on really smooth with an adequately thick lather.  I can feel the moisturizers working and feel the softness of my skin when my shower is done.  The scent is very mild (I don't mind it having a stronger flowery scent if they ever wanted to switch up their options.)

Purell Sanitizing Wipes: Love this product.  I don't consider myself an obsessive germa-phobe, but I like the idea that my hands are as free from germs as possible.  I love having sanitizers on hand to use especially when I hear those coughs and sniffles in enclosed spaces.  I'm always sharing my sanitizer stash with my husband & kids.  

SinfulShine Nail Polish: I love the available color options. I appreciate that it's long-wearing because, as a Mom, I don't have a lot of time to switch up my nail colors. I'm lucky if I even have time to give myself an at-home pedicure. It's a good product.

Breathe Right® Nasal Strips:  I don't usually have nasal problems. But born out of poor coincidence, I couldn't have been more fortunate to have this product on hand recently when I was hit with some kind of virus and congestion symptoms.  Since I was having trouble breathing, I followed directions & put on the product. It gave me some relief from my congestion symptoms. 

Thank you PINCHme for giving me the opportunity to try out these products free of charge.
My experience and opinions are genuine and completely my own.

ceremony supplies

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Three Easy Recipes for National Soup Month

The month of January is designated National Soup Month & since I love soup and often prepare it for my family, I thought I'd share some favorite recipes I've encountered here & there.  I always use my Slow Cooker and I often change things up whenever I feel like it. So be free to garner ideas from the following recipes and substitute and experiment where ever you feel the need.
Cheesy Butternut Squash and Tortellini Soup
  • 1 small sweet onion, finely diced 
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated or finely chopped 
  • 1 apple, finely diced
  • 3 cups of cubed butternut squash 
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 2 cups of chicken broth 
  • 3/4 cup of whole milk or heavy cream
  • 1 can of beer
  • 1/2 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon each of salt & pepper
  • 10 oz cheese tortellini
  • 1 1/2 cups of shredded Fontina cheese
  • 1/2 cup of shredded sharp Cheddar cheese  
  • 4 oz crumbled blue cheese, if desired.
1. Grease 4-quart or larger slow cooker. Add onion, garlic, apple, squash, carrots, chicken broth, milk, beer, crushed red pepper flakes, rosemary, salt and pepper.
2.  Cover; cook on Low heat setting 4 to 6 hours or High heat setting 2 to 4 hours. Squash should be tender.
3.  Transfer soup to blender; puree until smooth. Return to slow cooker.
4.  Add tortellini and cheeses; stir to combine. Cover; cook on High heat setting about 10 minutes or until tortellini is soft. 
5. Garnish with extra cheese and/or serve with crusty bread.
Source: Tablespoon 
Ramen Chicken Noodle Soup
  • 1 package of boneless skinless chicken thighs  
  • 1 tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1/2 tsp of Chinese 5-spice powder
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 1/8 tsp of black pepper
  • 1 tbsp of minced garlic
  • 1 tbsp of grated ginger
  • 4 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 tbsp of soy sauce
  • 2 tsp of sugar
  • 1 ounce dried shitake mushroom soaking in boiling water for 20 minutes
  • 4 baby bok choy cut in half
  • 4 hard boiled eggs cut in half
  • 4 packages of dried Ramen noodles, cooked
  • 4 tbsp of sliced scallions, srichachi sauce, & limed wedges if desired
1. Season chicken with Chinese-five spice powder, salt and pepper. Saute chicken thighs in a olive oil heated sauce pan until chicken is browned. Transfer chicken to plate. When cool, slice thighs into strips.
2. Remove all but 1 teaspoon of oil from the pan and heat over medium-high heat. Add garlic and ginger, and sauté until fragrant, about 30 to 45 seconds. Add chicken stock, soy sauce and sugar. Remove stems from shiitake mushrooms, slice into strips and add to broth. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Add baby bok choy and sliced thighs to broth and simmer about 5 minutes or until bok choy is tender and chicken is cooked through.
3. Divide cooked ramen noodles into bowls. Ladle in broth. Add mushrooms and bok choy from broth. Top with sliced chicken, scallions and hard-boiled eggs. Serve with Sriracha sauce and lime wedges on side, if so desired.
 Source: Perdue

Curried Lentil Soup
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 6 c. low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1 1/2 c. red lentils
  • 2 large carrots, coarsely grated
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 2 Bay leaves (optional)
  • 1 c. light coconut milk
  • kosher salt
  • black pepper
  • Cilantro, for serving
1. Saute the onion in oil and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, for 6 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cumin and cook, stirring for 1 minute.
2. Add the broth, lentils, carrots, thyme, curry powder, cinnamon and bay leaves (if using); bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the lentils are just tender, 12 to 15 minutes.
3. Add the coconut milk and 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper; simmer for 5 minutes. Serve with cilantro, if desired.
 Source: Woman's Day 

Leave a comment or tweet me with any interesting comments, experiences & if you'd like to share your own recipes with me. Because you know, sharing is caring. ;-)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lotion in the Shower?

Feeling in a rush and wanting to moisturize in the shower? Well, here's a product to try: Nivea In-Shower Body Lotion. I did just that when I was sent a free sample by the company. I tried both the Cocoa Butter and Nourishing varieties. 

It's a different way of moisturizing but it's fairly simple. Basically, take a shower as you normally would with your own chosen body wash, rinse off, then, while still in the shower, apply the Nivea.  It spreads on just like any regular lotion except you're applying it on wet skin.  Then you rinse it all off as you would a body wash. It rinses off easily.  Moisturizing routine complete.

I liked the feel on my skin, but my favorite part was the pleasant, clean scent. I focused the product on my arms & elbows where most of the dryness on myself occurs.  My skin felt moisturized and I felt no dryness after my shower. I enjoyed this product and will include it in my moisturizing routine.

All thoughts and opinions are sincere, authentic and truly my own.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Favorite Looks from Golden Globes 2016

Did you catch the Golden Globes this year?  I'm a huge celebrity watcher & pop culture junkie and one of my favorite things about these shows is the fashion. I loved some of the selections this year. Kudos to the stylists who I know work super hard on their craft. I'm well aware that my choices are on many people's "worst dressed" list. What can I say? Fashion is subjective.  I like what I like. Here are the top 3 of my favorite stand-outs.
America Ferrera
I love this beautiful shade of yellow. I love the fit and cut and how it accentuates her curves. It's simple and very elegant. 
America is wearing a Jenny Packham dress, Brian Atwood shoes, a Jimmy Choo clutch, and Simon G jewels. Source: JustJared
Eva Longoria
I love the floral details and the shape of this dress on Eva's figure. The small train just adds elegance and is perfect for an event like the Golden Globes.
Eva is wearing Georges Hobeika. Source: PopSugar
Viola Davis
This dress just popped out for me. I love the star studded action going on & I love how modest yet sexy Viola looks in it.  It gives ample top & arm coverage but allows "a peek" at some skin.  She looks so elegant in this dress. Viola is wearing Marchesa. Source: Huffington Post

Did I miss some of your favorites? Do you strongly disagree with me?  Feel free to leave a comment or tweet me--but be kind about it. ;-) :-D

And in closing, I'd like to send a big congratulations to Denzel Washington for his Cecil B. Demille Award. Such a deserving recipient!! And also to Leonardo DiCaprio for winning in his category just because I think he's awesome--not only for his talent but for his environmental crusades!  **Applause**

Monday, January 11, 2016

Common Core is Not This Mom's Enemy

Math has never been my strong suit. I did fairly well in school, but have never embraced the subject.  As I watch both my boys on their educational journey, currently in the 7th and 5th Grades, I marvel at how well they're both doing with the subject.  My main question to them is always, "Do you understand the concept?" It's okay to make mistakes, but I always want them to be sure they grasp the concepts before moving on to the next lesson.
When this whole argument regarding the Common Core came up, I chose to stay out of it because I just didn't feel I had enough information to form an opinion. And for all intents and purposes, I'm still staying out of it.  The only thing I am armed with is the trust in my children's educators (especially when they switched to a new school) and the belief that my children have a grasp and an understanding of what is being taught to them.  If I didn't have those assurances, who knows where I'd be on the spectrum of this debate.  I do, however, love the concept of "critical thinking" as a practice--not just rote memorization. Here is a video featuring Dr. James Tanton discussing his fascinating take on the Common Core Standards. Please take the time to hear and listen to what he has to say.

                               As parents and the primary educators of our children, we want what's best for our children. There's no argument in that. And this debate will continue. Unfortunately the argument often gets heated and there are a lot of frustrations on both sides. But let me just say this, in our pursuit of making sure our children have better than we did, let's not use the excuse of "that's how I've always done it".  Be open to new things...and in this case, it may be Common may not.  I'm certainly not claiming to hold all the answers.

But the "Anti" movement is loud and proud. I get it. I'm not fighting it. I'm just simply presenting the existence of the other side--often the more quiet side. And it's where I sit.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Here's some Contemporary Reading Suggestions

Love reading contemporary romance novels? Try these selections...Remember these books are meant for readers 18 and over and contain adult themes.  **Minimum Spoilers**

Belong to You (Cole Series Book 1) by Vi Keeland

Delve into the story of Syd and Jack who meet while Syd is on a honeymoon/vacation from her failed engagement to another man.  They begin a sexual relationship that is supposed to end once the vacation is over.  But sometimes, things just don't happen according to plan...

This book is the beginning of the 2-Novel Series. The second book is called Made for You.

**Warning: Very steamy scenes ahead.**

 30 Days (Series Book 1) by K. Larson 

The story goes back and forth from past to present taking readers on the tough journey of Elle's life dealing with an emotionally and physically abusive husband. On her quest to find herself, she meets Colin. He's loving, caring and everything that's NOT her abusive husband. Can they have a happily ever after with the past hanging over their lives and the possible dangers looming ahead?

This book is a Part 1, and a cliffhanger so just know that you will have to get the sequel, Committed to get the full story.

 Barefoot in White (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 1) by Roxanne St. Claire

Willow & Nick first meet in college. Things happen, they go their separate ways and then meet up again 10 years later.  But many things have changed. Willow is a different person, in so many ways. And Nick's experience in the military has also transformed him into a new man.  There's a lot of forgiveness, accepting, & moving forward that has to happen before they can move forward in their relationship. And then there's a will that affect everything else?  You have to read to find out!

Two more books complete the trilogy of the Barefoot Bay Brides: Barefoot in Lace & Barefoot in Pearls. Each book focuses on a different couple with friendship as the connection.
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