Our family went on a big 3 week vacation to Orlando, Florida in December of 2019-through January 2020. We took off for about 3 weeks & even we were aware that that was a long time to play hooky. But as a family, we decided together that that particular time was as good a time as any. The boys anticipated their schedules next year would be ramped up even more than it already was--the First Born will be a Senior & the Youngest will be a Sophomore (and most people would agree, that 2nd year of high school is pretty challenging academic wise). Personally, I was apprehensive because the boys would miss a couple of days before Winter Break & another day after school came back into session. I debated. I resisted. But I was voted out & eventually gave in. So, The Huz & I made our plans, & the day finally arrived.
We had an absolute blast for those 3 weeks. Because the kids are older (we took a similar vacation when they were younger), we essentially vacationed as adults--and that means we weren't restricted about bed times/naps etc & felt truly free to take advantage of all Orlando has to offer us. We visited the Universal Orlando Resorts & all the Disney theme parks. I was SO tired keeping up with my guys, but I had an absolute good time & we made the best memories.
A quick fast forward to Quarantine 2020. We are now in the middle of a Pandemic that has already ravaged other nations & taken many lives. Rest in peace to all those souls & my sincerest sympathies to their loved ones. As a huge precaution & to take pressure off our healthcare system, our State & local government has issued "Stay At Home" orders (with schools transitioning to distance learning & people working from home if possible.) We only go out when necessary (for groceries, supplies & other types of food) & keep with the "social distancing" recommendations of at least 6 feet apart. We're also wearing masks when we go out. Times have definitely changed within the past few months. And it often feels unreal.
I pray a lot. But I'm also thankful that my family is doing well. And I hold on to our memories often. And I'm especially, especially thankful we didn't put off our Orlando, Florida vacation. We were doing absolutely EVERYTHING opposite of what we're doing now. We were in crowded theme parks & practiced zero social distancing. And I'm SO glad we did it. And I continue to be thankful every day. Thankful for the memories.
Looking forward to being able to go out again & feeling safe about it. I'm not sure life will ever really go back to normal. I can't even believe how close I got to total strangers just a few months ago! LOL!
I send the world the best wishes. This challenge will pass & it will be nothing but history. Until then, be safe. Stay home. Stay healthy.
![Mom with Baby in Navy Blue Wrap](https://static.shareasale.com/image/75108/234X60-Boba.jpg)
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