Growing up around a religious community, I've encountered all types of personalities. I've met some amazing Catholic Christians that have impressed me in the way they choose to live--with love & service. But on the other side of that coin, I've encountered others that I feel don't represent the kind of person I'm striving to be. It doesn't matter that they attend Church regularly or can, without provocation, recite a Bible passage to help "enlighten" who they are speaking to. As cliche as it sounds, what matters the most is how they behave. Do they exude a light and energy that speaks to the kind of human the stories of Jesus in the Bible tries to inspire? Or do they just sound "smart" because they can tell you a Bible verse?
One of my favorite Parish Priests (now retired) often spoke of his flaws and the constant journey to better himself. I'll never forget during one of his sermons, he candidly expressed his journey towards removing his racial biases & prejudices and becoming aware he had them in order to move towards eradicating them. I think it's what made his sermons so relatable. He wasn't trying to present himself as all-knowing or all-perfect. Because truly, if he was (or any of us), we would be Divine or pretty close to it. My current Pastor has the same energy and although I've been mostly "attending Mass" online, I've been finding inspiration in his words as well. I'm grateful to have this kind of religious leadership because it's something that I deliberately search for...I drive a further distance to a Parish I CHOOSE just because I want to feel that the community has a higher purpose than just judging and condemning.
I want to continue working towards the kind of Catholic-Christian that constantly self-reflects, self-evaluates & makes moral choices based on what I feel is right for me and the teachings of Jesus. I don't want to be someone who is "throwing stones" and assuming I know what's right for others. Sounds like an ultimate destination in enlightenment and believe me, I'm still on that journey. And part of that journey is awareness and identifying people around me who easily & readily expresses the Scripture instead of living it (unfortunately, there are plenty out there). It's not about just listening to Christian podcasts & making sure people know that you do. It's about doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Valuing humanity above material possessions. Protecting your integrity & being kind. Sending light & love to all of you! XOXO