Friday, June 25, 2021

California Disney Adventure 2021

We've had quite a jam-packed trio of days exploring Downtown Disney, Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure in California.There are many picture opportunities, experiences, merchandise, food, and people watching.

Taking our selfie game to whole 'nother level.

If you're a Disney fan of any sort, there is definitely something for you to get excited about. There's a huge Disney merch store right near the entrance of both parks. There's also plenty of restaurants that offer savory and sweet options for whatever you're craving. The Jazz Kitchen Express has pretty delicious beignets at reasonable prices. However, with the exception of a few good deals every once in a while, most things are pretty pricey.

We're no pickle fans, but the bloggers convinced me to try this pickle corn dog & I convinced the boys to try it with me. The verdict: the initial bite was pretty ok.  But as it kept going the ratio of hot dog-pickle-and breading was off and it wasn't super great.  Would be try it again, probably not.  But do we regret trying it at all--no, we don't.  

Our time at Disneyland was jam packed and because of the light lines, we were able to go on all the rides we wanted to. We started off the day with practically walking on to Space Mountain then proceeded to Indiana Jones, Haunted Mansion,  and Pirates of the Caribbean all with about 20 minutes or less wait-time. We lucked out and got an afternoon boarding pass for Rise of the Resistance which we already knew was going to be great since we enjoyed it first in Orlando.  It's definitely a must-see attraction if one can score a boarding pass.

We ate at Galaxy's edge with the boys and I choosing to eat the popular "Ronto Wraps" and The Huz getting the pot roast. We ended up coming back for dinner to the same spot to eat the "Chicken Yip Yip".  The food is pretty good, although quite pricey.

When the Youngest was a toddler, he absolutely adored "It's a Small World". We had annual passes so every time we'd go through the turnstile, his little legs would lead us straight to the attraction. Now, as a teenager, the ride simply has a special place in his heart, as it does for all of us because of those memories.

Other notable memories include the First-Born and I getting soaked riding Splash Mountain. We theorize that they must've turned the water level up because we've never gotten that wet on the ride before. Good times.  We ended the night as we begun it, with a repeat ride of Space Mountain. We were all super tired, but so extremely satisfied.

The next day was dedicated to Disney's California Adventure. We were able to snag an early boarding pass to the newest attraction "Spiderman's Webslingers". 

It's an interactive, fun ride. I don't usually do too well on these, but apparently, my random webslinging was pretty good, this time. 😆

Avenger's Campus has some visually appealing structures and the occasional Marvel Superhero popping up here & there. If you're a fan of this genre, it's pretty fabulous. We ate at Pym's Test Kitchen & sampled some of their themed foods. To be perfectly honest, my family and I weren't too impressed with the tastes and the prices are quite high.  But it's a good experience to have, at least once.

The First-Born has to take a picture with his jet. 😆

The Ancient Sanctum is where Dr. Strange appears & is a great place to take pictures.

We had such a great time on our three-day stay in Anaheim, CA. We will always love the East Coast attractions in Orlando, but we wanted to take the time to appreciate what we have on the West Coast too. We're fortunate to have access to both. 

But most importantly, I'm super thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my very loved and adored family. I cherish all moments with them and feel blessed with all the memories we make with each other.  Even though my whole body aches, especially my feet & legs, it's all so very worth it. 😍

As always, sending light & love out to you all. XOXO

Friday, June 18, 2021

Don't Doubt Your Worth

I've heard some crazy assumptions and unkind things said about me from even way back in elementary school, then as a parent at two small knit communities and then from others in our lives. I don't willingly attract or welcome these crazy energies (at least not intentionally), but I also don't make much of an effort to make corrections about gossip because ultimately it is no one's business but my own.  And if people are willing to believe what "they've heard", then that is their prerogative. The saying that you can only control how you react to things has been my guide in life.

When I was at the delicate age of 8th Grade, I fell victim to some class bullying and apparently, there was a rumor that my best friend at the time and I were lesbian. As an adult, of course, those rumors would never bother me because, first, I see nothing wrong with someone's sexual orientation & second, it's either true or untrue & in this case, it's untrue. It wasn't the rumor itself that hurt, it was the fact that untrue things were being said about me with unkind intentions. I didn't choose to be heterosexual.  I just am. And today, I consider myself an ally to the LGBTQ community. Love is love and I hope people find it in their lives.

When we decided to move our children in their 3rd & 5th grades from one elementary school to another, there was apparently a rampant rumor that we moved due to the firing of a music teacher.  Although, we didn't agree with the events that went down, our actual decision was so much more than that one event.  We would never make a decision that strongly affects our boys based on one thing--it will always be a well-thought out plan of action that includes pros and cons.  That's just the way The Huz and I operate. Moving our boys was the right thing to do. And I've never regretted that decision and on the contrary, feel blessed by the courage I had to gather in order to uproot the boys from what felt like a comfortable yet toxic environment. The new location, with its similar small community, had it's own issues and was far from perfect, but it still felt like that's where we needed to be.  And I felt like because I had learned so much from previous experiences, I just let those crazy energies surround me instead of penetrate me.  I feel the most content and happy when I just keep my head up and steady, focusing on my family.

I've learned over the years to follow my instincts about people and be choosy about who surrounds my energy most frequently (because it's difficult to completely avoid toxicity).  It has caused me to disengage or simply cut-off people that don't serve to bring joy and light into my life. With all that being said, I still choose to be kind to others because I think it's very possible to do that and be kind to yourself.

And if people choose to participate in gossip (and they will), it's ok. Just choose what makes you happy and what is the correct path in YOUR journey. As I dispense that advice, I'm also still a work in progress...

As always, wishing everyone light & love! XOXO 😘


gifts for grads  

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Individually Empowered and Inspired

Living in the age where Social Media is the norm, many of us have self inflicted ourselves with the burden of comparison. As a Mom (and I'm positive many can relate), I feel like I've been surrounded by conversations, humble bragging and weird general life competition for years and years. And I've made every effort to make sure I check myself so I don't personally jump into those rough waters that feed the ego and assent to feeling inadequate. If distancing ourselves from toxic personalities, even if they are "family", is what is beneficial then that is what needs to be done in order to tend to our very delicate mental health. 

We are all so different--our motivations, our interests, our love languages--all expressed so uniquely and all as valid and as wonderful as the next person. I heard someone once say, "Everyone wants to be surrounded by a bunch of friends and be social".  To be fair, this particular person is someone who is pretty close-minded and judgemental, but I also think that his opinion is also often misguidedly shared by others who don't understand the concept of being an introvert and truly being happy & content with one's own company. Like Brooke Hampton's quote above says, "'s not our job to decide what (inspiration & empowerment) looks life for anyone else."   

In my personal enlightenment journey, I try to encapsulate the idea of not judging others especially for their life choices I know no background of, their clothing choices (sometimes, it's a knee jerk reaction, but I try to dial that back) and any other elements that have nothing to do with me--which when you really think about it is just about everything.  Other than what's in our own mind, we have no idea what is in someone else's thought process, what they've been through or what their mental state truly is. 

Find your happiness. Decide to be you & do you. Do what empowers YOU, what makes YOU thrive, what gives YOU comfort. And don't worry about or judge others (or try super hard not to) for what they decide makes their lives full and complete. Finally, try to disregard when others judge you--because they always will. As I exclaim that thought, I myself have to constantly remind myself of this valuable tip. 

Take a deep breathe and practice self-care. Sending light & love to you all! XOXO 😘

gifts for grads

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