Living in the age where Social Media is the norm, many of us have self inflicted ourselves with the burden of comparison. As a Mom (and I'm positive many can relate), I feel like I've been surrounded by conversations, humble bragging and weird general life competition for years and years. And I've made every effort to make sure I check myself so I don't personally jump into those rough waters that feed the ego and assent to feeling inadequate. If distancing ourselves from toxic personalities, even if they are "family", is what is beneficial then that is what needs to be done in order to tend to our very delicate mental health.
We are all so different--our motivations, our interests, our love languages--all expressed so uniquely and all as valid and as wonderful as the next person. I heard someone once say, "Everyone wants to be surrounded by a bunch of friends and be social". To be fair, this particular person is someone who is pretty close-minded and judgemental, but I also think that his opinion is also often misguidedly shared by others who don't understand the concept of being an introvert and truly being happy & content with one's own company. Like Brooke Hampton's quote above says, "'s not our job to decide what (inspiration & empowerment) looks life for anyone else."
In my personal enlightenment journey, I try to encapsulate the idea of not judging others especially for their life choices I know no background of, their clothing choices (sometimes, it's a knee jerk reaction, but I try to dial that back) and any other elements that have nothing to do with me--which when you really think about it is just about everything. Other than what's in our own mind, we have no idea what is in someone else's thought process, what they've been through or what their mental state truly is.
Find your happiness. Decide to be you & do you. Do what empowers YOU, what makes YOU thrive, what gives YOU comfort. And don't worry about or judge others (or try super hard not to) for what they decide makes their lives full and complete. Finally, try to disregard when others judge you--because they always will. As I exclaim that thought, I myself have to constantly remind myself of this valuable tip.
Take a deep breathe and practice self-care. Sending light & love to you all! XOXO 😘

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