We found ourselves on a two-lane CA-Highway that required us to turn on our headlights so that oncoming cars could see us if they wanted to pass or if we passed them using their opposite (to us) lane. When following a super slow vehicle, it feels absolutely necessary to make this move. But for me, a self described no-shame scaredy cat, I was filled with adrenaline when we had to go for it and go on the opposite lane to pass a slow vehicle. The Huz was always careful and made sure to follow the rules of the road, only passing on the broken lines and making sure he didn't see any oncoming vehicles. It can get super tricky because the road curves and visibility can be impeded. I think on the way there and back, he only used the passing method a total of 3 times. He never made any particularly crazy moves even when he had to pass multiple slow vehicles. I have great faith in the Huz' driving ability and that is never in question.
But yes, I was filled with much anxiety about the whole process. I wish they had a proper passing lane every once in a while instead of the idea of going on the opposite direction. But also, it has been like this forever, I'm sure, & because most drivers are careful, I'm sure there aren't any more accidents than there would be on any normal freeway. So, it works. I know this.Was I still nervous? Absolutely!
I clutched my St. Christopher Medal to cope and closed my eyes the very few times I felt I needed to. It's just like everything else we need to deal with--just gotta find your coping method and power through it. I've always been a big worry-wart and I find that it seems to be getting worse as I get older. So, it's something I want to work on. And now, reflecting on our experience with this particular road that many people travel every day, I'm even more aware of the difference between being scared and being careful so that the fear is unnecessary. That's the difference I need to work on. Sending light & love out into the Universe! 😘
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