Thursday, September 15, 2016

Another Day Another Adventure: Life List Questions

Having two middle school aged boys rapidly growing before my eyes, I've learned to cherish every moment, appreciate and love every memory and look forward to what else life has in store for us. I found a questionnaire designed to make people think about their "bucket list".  I've always disliked that phrase because it's in reference to "kicking the bucket".  I don't want to think of my life that way.  I want to think about it terms of a "to do" list. So, here are my answers.... (I've also included some funnies along the way to help make you smile.)
 Been Married-- yes
Been divorced-- no
Fell in love-- Yes
Gone on a blind date-- no
Skipped school--no
Watched someone give birth--no (unless I count myself)
Watched someone die--no
Been to Canada--yes
Ridden in an ambulance--no
Been to Hawaii--no
Been to Europe--no
Been to Washington D.C.-yes
Been to Nashville-- no
Oh! Phew!! What a relief.
Visited Florida--yes
Visited Mexico--yes
Seen the Grand Canyon in person--yes
Flown in a helicopter--no
Been on a cruise- yes
Served on a jury-- no
Been in a movie --no
Danced in the rain-- yes
Been to Los Angeles- yes
Been to New York City-- no
Played/Sang in a band--no
Sang karaoke-- yes
Guard dog.
Laughed so much you cried- Yes
Laughed so hard you peed - yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue--yes
Had children--Yes
Had a pet(s)-- Yes
Been sledding on big hill--Yes
Been downhill skiing-- sort of...chickened out on small hill (LOL!)
Been water skiing-- no
Rode on a motorcycle--no
Traveled to all 50 states-- no
Jumped out of a plane-- No
Been to a drive-in movie-- yes
Rode a camel-- yes
Rode a Horse-- no
Been on TV-- yes
Well, anything food related always gets MY attention.
Been in the newspaper--yes
Stayed in the Hospital-- yes
Donated blood-yes
Gotten a piercing-- yes
Gotten a tattoo-- no
Driven a stick shift vehicle--no
Been scuba diving-- No
Been snorkeling-- yes
Rode in the back of a police car--no
Got a speeding ticket--no
Broken a bone-- no
Gotten stitches- yes
Traveled Alone--no
My favorites are #1, #4, and #10.
Feel free to copy & paste this "To Do List" questionnaire & share on your social media sites! XO  
Tags: #RandomQuestions #Jokes 

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