Thursday, October 27, 2016

Different and Still United

I can often be cynical about commercials and public service announcements (PSAs), but I love when I see a piece that stands out and speaks to me.  Have you seen the Android commercial with the rock, paper & scissors? If my memory holds correctly, I first saw it in a movie theater & enjoyed it.  Aside from the cute characters, the message is solid: Be together. Not the same.
Cute, right? I love the music too. Again, we don't always have to be the same to get along.  Celebrate differences!
Because even with all our differences, we are all still the same.

This is probably the hardest advice for people-pleasing personalities.  It's okay to not be liked. Just find your people.
I love this advice because I happen to be weird. And I'm good with that. ☺
Some people will never get you, so just keep searching for those that do. It's all a part of life.
This is a great concept, but one of the hardest to implement. The struggle is always there. Fight to be you though. As the saying goes, "do you". 
Book of the MonthWith the current political climate and current events going on in the world, it's easier to find conflicts with one another.  But I always try to remind myself that free thought is what we're all about.  It's okay to disagree with someone without belittling them. We are living beings cohabiting in this great planet. I hope & pray for peace around the world: Be together, not the same. ♥
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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Another Mom Hat: High School Choice Researcher

We've come to that moment of parenthood that came much too quickly for my preference, but nevertheless, it's here.  We are now looking into high schools for my first-born.  I've always been a private-school, Catholic school kid & parent so now we're transitioning to the public school system.  I've decided to go out of my comfort zone because we're fortunate to belong to an awesome school district with great high school pathway options. I've done some outside research & now it's a matter of talking to teachers, parents & visiting the school sites to get a clearer picture of what's right for my child.  We have a clear preference, but I want to make sure we visit and talk to other schools just to leave our options open, and/or solidify our favorite choice. And since I have two sons, I'm doing some preliminary reconnaissance for my 6th Grader too.
Visiting individual school/program booths. It's awesome to hear from teachers & students.
My 8th Grader gets to choose what feels right for him. He chose about 4 that appealed with a favorite in the forefront.
Wherever this kid ends up, I know he'll make a great contribution to the Program.
My hope is that along with a strong academic base, this kid has some great fun too.
One school/program has definitely risen above the rest in terms of what we are looking for.  We want to find a balanced high school environment focusing on strong academics and a healthy option of extra-curricular activities.  The searching process has only just begun...
Change is stressful, so here's some funnies to help brighten your day:
There's motivation for ya!

It's dangerous for eggs to laugh.
Sending everyone peace, love & happiness. XO ♥


Friday, October 21, 2016

Motherhood is a Learning Journey

When the Huz & I decided we were going to be parents, we made a conscious decision to be very involved parents.  We wanted to shower our kids with love, self-worth, confidence & safety--both emotionally & physically.  Along the way, it hasn't always been easy--we've had to clean up some pretty nasty human secretions (aaaah, those lovely younger year memories), we've lost sleep both because we've had to stay up to take care of our kids & because we worry needlessly about things we really can't control.  And we've had some true moments of authentic sheer exhaustion.  Through it all, every moment has been worth it because our boys are thriving--happy, fulfilled, great human beings. And as they continue to mature & make their way into the world, we're going to have to step back and let them. That's what good parenting is all about, teaching your kids not to need you anymore. It hurts a bit, but it also feels just right.

Valuable picture sent to me by a chaperone mom of my kiddo playing volleyball. This was the first day of the Retreat.
This week has been a true test of my sheer will and strength as a mother--sending my 13-year-old, my first-born off on a 5-day retreat miles away, off the grid---no contact! It's been emotional--up & down--happy for him, worried for him, excited for him then missing him. Very much missing him.  And I survived. My Huz has survived (barely) & his younger brother (very bonded to him) also survived.  We missed him SO SO much!! But we love him and want him to experience everything life has to offer.  And he's blessed to have had the awesome opportunity of a powerful spiritual and academic retreat away from everyday life's distractions.
More than ready to welcome him back!
But I'm so so glad to have him home! He has so much to share with us & I want to hear EVERYTHING!
We know they're tired, but we wrangled them for a "Welcome Home" group picture!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Countdown of the Longest Week Begins....

Today, I send my first-born off on a week long academic & spiritual retreat with his fellow 8th Grade graduating class, their teacher, and chaperones.  He will be about 6 hours away driving distance, and about an hour away plane distance.  He'll be off the grid--no communication via phone--for almost 6 whole days. What seemed like an abstract concept ("oh yeah, he's going on a retreat in the 8th Grade") is now my reality. Make no mistake about it, this is going to be the longest week of my life so far. Although I feel like I'm on the precipice of a nervous breakdown and/or meltdown, I must take comfort in my Faith that he will be physically safe, gain valuable spiritual & academic wisdom & participate in a once-in-a-lifetime experience both with his class and for himself.
Group picture of the Retreat group! May God keep them safe from harm!
And the three (plus, Puffy the Manatee) left behind. We are going to have a tough week.
A chaperone parent was kind enough to send me this picture. He's safe and ready for take-off. ♥

I dedicate this prayer to my first-born. ♥
I wish my first-born the best of experiences--and the utmost safety. ♥
To my very precious son, 
Dad, Lil Bro, and I love you SO SO very much! ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Music Spotlight: Scars to Your Beautiful

There's so much tearing down out there. Women, men, older people, children--non of us are immune to hurtful and angry words. I'm craving something positive! So, naturally I turn to music to give me some solace. Here's a song that tells you to be proud of who you are. You are beautiful--just the way you are. Focus on being a good person. That's beauty--that's the light that shines within.
Lyrics to "Scars to Your Beautiful
She just wants to be beautiful
She goes unnoticed, she knows no limits,
She craves attention, she praises an image,
She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor
Oh she don't see the light that's shining
Deeper than the eyes can find it
Maybe we have made her blind
So she tries to cover up her pain, and cut her woes away
'Cause covergirls don't cry after their face is made

But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving
You know, "Covergirls eat nothing."
She says, "Beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything."
"What's a little bit of hunger?"
"I could go a little while longer," she fades away
She don't see her perfect, she don't understand she's worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Ah oh, ah ah oh,
So to all the girls that's hurting
Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful

No better you than the you that you are
(no better you than the you that you are)
No better life than the life we're living
(no better life than the life we're living)
No better time for your shine, you're a star
(no better time for your shine, you're a star)
Oh, you're beautiful, oh, you're beautiful

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful 

Source: AZLyrics  
Focus on a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul. ♥
It's not unusual to feel caught in a web of negativity, as I occasionally do. I just have to focus on spreading good vibes. ♥

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Read and Live a Thousand Lives

I'm thankful for all the talented authors out there constantly churning out amazing stories and introducing readers to fantastic characters we love, hate, or love to hate.  Please, please never stop writing because we readers will never stop reading. A specific shout-out to the writers of Contemporary Romance--my favorite genre. Here are my recent three book recommendations...

Breaking Up With Barrett (The English Brothers Series) by Katy Regnery

This is the sweet love story of business tycoon Barrett & doctoral student (who also happens to be the gardener’s daughter) Emily.  When Barrett was 8 years old, he held new-born baby Emily in his arms & from then on loved & protected her.  Through the years, he’s always looked out for her from afar while Emily lusted & held feelings for him as well.  Through a business arrangement they re-connect & become a regular part of each other’s lives, which of course makes it really hard to keep their feelings held tight.  They have a very sweet love story.  Check this one out!

Elizabeth the First Wife by Lian Dolan 

I really liked the main character, Elizabeth.  I could imagine hanging out with her. There are many references to the works of Shakespeare, but my favorite parts were about modernizing the famous works & characters to today’s pop culture characters.  There’s one moment when Romeo Montague, Hamlet, & Edward Cullen are compared & contrasted. So amusing.  And with everything going on in Elizabeth’s life (dealing with her ex-husband & family members), this novel is ultimately a love-story.  It’s a good journey & you’ll find yourself rooting for Elizabeth. 

Someone Else’s Fairytale by E.M. Tippetts  

I experienced mild whiplash when something in the story made a turn I wasn’t expecting. Chloe is the girl, Matthew, the best friend and Jason, the hot celebrity who seems to have taken an interest in Chloe.  Chloe has a past that’s filled with pain both physically & mentally which has affected how she trusts people and possibly has given her commitment issues.  So much happens in the unfolding of certain truths and just when you think you’ve figured out what Chloe is going to do, she doesn’t. The book is heartbreaking, uplifting & romantic.  It has all the elements of literary entertainment. Give it a read.  

I love this quote. I feel like I'm a part of the characters' lives when I'm reading a good book--essentially being a character myself.
Turn the page!
Nothing much, I say. 

If you have book recommendations you'd like to share with me (preferably in the Contemporary Romance genre), please tweet me or comment below!

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Small Business Spotlight: Captain Vic's Coffee and Ice Cream

If you're going to spend your money anyway, doesn't it feel good to know that you're supporting a small, local business? If you live or are in the Lakewood, CA area (in the county of Los Angeles), I encourage you to stop by the Veteran-owned Captain Vic's Coffee and Ice cream, hitting all those points of interest. Here's a Shop Lakewood produced video giving you some insight on this local business...
  My family and I have definitely contributed our fair share of supporting and enjoying this wonderful shop.
The Huz and I have had coffee dates here. I highly recommend their Afogato and the Pistachio muffin!
My oldest loves the Ice Cream Sandwich---fresh baked cookies separated by any ice cream choice. And my youngest enjoys the Root Beer Float.
They also have fundraisers for local non-profit groups--just gives us added incentive (as if we needed one) to get us some sweet stuff!
Here's some notable Yelp reviews (starting with mine):

 4/30/2015: So, naturally, I had to try their affogato (a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a shot of expresso). It was good,  but I have to warn you, it is pretty strong. I'm fairly confident that I will have Energizer bunny energy all day. The Huz & I shared a Pistachio muffin which was delicious & a pretty shade of green. And in keeping with the "green" theme, the Huz went for a green tea smoothie which he described as "okay" (not sweet). The server/cashier was very friendly. If you're in the area & are looking for a chain coffee place, stop looking & just come here. There's no drive-thru, but there's plenty of parking. Oh, & important to note: this business is open early--6am on weekdays (different from the business hours stated on Yelp).--Maria E. 

8/25/2016: Let's see, coffee and ice cream in the same place . . .   Yes please!  After sampling a few ice cream flavors I picked the cookies n cream for my Affogato.  It was soooo good!!  The ice cream melts slowly into the hot espresso making a one of a kind treat that starts out as lightly sweetened coffee and finishes as a rich ice cream shake in the same cup.  We also split a pistachio muffin, served warm, which was delicious.
Tip:  Try the Affogato!  Espresso with a scoop of ice cream - It's AWESOME!!I found Captain Vic's thru a Groupon which is a great way to find places that you otherwise would never hear of.  I can't wait to go back and pay full price because it's worth it.  But I won't have to because the receipt includes a 10% off coupon for your next visit LOL :)In addition to the great food and drink I want to mention the service.  Both of the young ladies working were super friendly, helpful & patient with my indecisiveness when it comes to picking an ice cream flavor.  Sure it's about the quality of the food but great customer service really adds to the experience.--Tony B. 

9/9/2016: Captain Vic really shivered me timbers. On the corner of Paramount and Carson sits this fun shop that serves coffee, tea, cookies and ice cream. They serve Dreyer's ice cream and you can have anything from a scoop on a cone or a milkshake to a banana split or a genuine A&W root beer float. I had a vanilla latte which I thought was pretty darn good - much better than what you would get at any of the coffee chains. There is plenty of seating both at tables and at counters plus free wifi is offered. As you can probably guess from the name there is a nautical theme going on with the decor here. The staff are exceptionally friendly and helpful - the young guy who took my order was a good conversationalist and really made me feel welcome.--Timmy S. 

9/29/2016: Came for our school's 8th grade fundraiser. We came later in the evening before closing and the girl's who were working were both very sweet. They smiled at and greeted each customer even as they were busy with others. The ambiance here is very welcoming and they have awesome outside seating for the warmer nights. Their dessert menu consists of things like cheesecake on a stick and "Affogato" 1 scoop of icecream with espresso shot. If those aren't your style they have smoothies and a full Dreyer's icecream bar to choose from and let's not forget about all the coffee and espresso's. They also a very whimsy display of mermaid and beach merchandise that would make a beach nut go crazy. Perfect for Long Beach. It's minutes away from Long Beach Airport and Lakewood Country Club. Good time even with free wifi.--Babydoll I. 

I hope you get a chance to check this place out.  Let me know if you do.  I'd love to hear your experience. ♥♥♥♥