Wednesday, July 21, 2021

If the Doors Could Talk

It was announced that these beautiful doors from our Parish Church will be replaced because they haven't been functioning to the optimum level for a while.  I immediately felt that sad, nostalgic feeling...remembering how much those doors have been a part of many events throughout the years.  They are the backdrop to many Sacrament photographs: First-Communion, Confirmations, weddings, funerals as well as celebrations of graduations, Quinceaneras, anniversaries, and so on. The aesthetics is striking with those lines that spread out, with that circle centering it all--looking majestic and powerful. They are also as heavy as they look, requiring some muscle power to open and gently close. What if these doors could talk? What would they say after all these years?  What have they heard? Sadly, all we can say to them is "goodbye".


These are the new aesthetics now. A huge sentimental part of me had a hard time even looking at these doors when I passed by them. They are nice doors, but it'll take some time to get used to. But change is inevitable and constant. And these new doors will now be part of similar future celebrations and be seen in a new generation of photographs.

Much like life in general, we all have to accept change and move along. Because time moves so fast--sometimes I just feel overwhelmed at how fast it's moving--and with the constantly moving time there are inevitable changes that sometimes are great & create lots of feelings of joy & happiness, but there are also changes of loss or ones that create anxiety and unease. I feel like that's where I'm living at the moment.

These feelings are all a part of this life journey of ours. Stay positive. Be thankful. Sending light & love to everyone as usual XOXO...also I kind of felt it was appropriate to include one of the best prayers of all time--The Serenity Prayer:  

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Refusing Alcohol Needs No Explanation

It feels like an absolute no-brainer for me to completely and without hesitation accept someone who abstains from alcohol or just decides they don't want to have alcohol in the moment. I, personally, am not a big-time drinker myself--only very occasionally. The Huz is a complete non-drinker--and wholeheartedly proud and unapologetic about it. And yes, he's been pressured to drink on certain occasions. The constant messages (in media or social settings) that drinking alcohol makes someone more sophisticated, cool or even fun is so much just about societal pressures and expectations. It's a perception & nothing much else. Ultimately, it's a choice.  If you want to drink, go ahead.  Don't push that agenda on someone else.

I saw the above posted the other day & thought, the fact that this is even being said just shows the need for non-drinkers to be normalized. Let people be & who they want to be without pressuring them to do or be what makes you more comfortable.  Do drinkers feel uncomfortable hanging out with people that are not drinking?  Sounds totally like a "you" problem.  Work on that.  LOL. 

And again, if you decide not to drink.  Don't.  And don't allow anyone to pressure you or make you feel weird about it. 

Sending light & love to all! XOXO

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Don't Cry Over a Spilled Cart

We've been spending some quantity time at our home improvement store lately and I'm going to be honest, it's not my favorite thing. Full disclosure, I'm not a great shopper in general.🙅 I am, however, a self-proclaimed people watcher expert.  At these kinds of stores, you'll see couples looking at paint samples, people in work clothes gathering supplies for some kind of project, people filling their carts with gardening supplies and so on. Some may look happy, some have a look of determination and some just look overworked/overwhelmed. All have personal stories and motivations for being at a home improvement store on any given day.

On this particular visit, we were looking for some kind of lumber or lumber alternative to create a base for a shed we're putting together. Naturally, we go up and down the aisle as The Huz decides this might work, no it probably won't and ok, this will do.  It can be a tedious process that I often have low patience for but I know that The Huz likes my company and moral support for these kinds of projects. So, I go and try my darndnest to be a kind and patient wife. 😜

I noticed a guy with a scarf mask gathering his stuff and filling his cart...lumber, planks, those kind of heavy materials. We were near the exit and the side check-out area just because our final purchase was in that vicinity. As that scarf mask guy exited, he made a sharp turn with his cart and all the contents (big heavy wood pieces & more) just spilled. I remember making a gasping noise as he frustratingly looks at what just happened to him. Everyone around just seemed to go about their business. The Huz and First-Born, who at the time were looking for a cart just outside the exit, saw the whole thing & immediately walked over there to help.  They started picking up his (heavy) purchases and placing them back on the cart.  Their action may have spurned two workers to go out there and help as well (they may have also gone out there on their own regardless of The Huz and the First-Born, but that's just how it happened).  I stayed back because I can't lift heavy things and would only be in the way. I could only see them, not being within earshot. When they re-entered, I felt compelled to take a picture (above) just because I felt proud of their kindness. 

Since I didn't hear what happened, I asked and The First-Born said the scarf mask guy was flustered and stressed that all his stuff fell. But he was thankful for their help. I hope that he felt just a little less stressed and alone knowing he had help at that time. Who knows what his story is and why he was at the store, by himself, at that particular time with all those heavy materials? But at that moment of need, he had help. And my guys were there to offer it.  

Sometimes, it really is just the little things, the little moments--a blip in time. And we never know how one small gesture, one kind word can make someone feel. So, just choose kindness. Sending light & love to everyone! XOXO 😘


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