Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Justification of a Slap Heard Round the World

Because I felt such strong emotions, I've given myself some time to reflect on Will Smith assaulting Chris Rock at the Oscars. My initial reaction was horror and disbelief at the act itself, but when I took to the internet and saw the comments of support for Will Smith, my feelings turned to disappointment in humanity. I couldn't grasp, and still can't, the concept that people were rooting for a man hitting another man because he said some awful things about his wife. 

I'm not going to even argue on that particular point. Insulting jokes are always hurtful. People should speak out on that and defend others from hateful speech.  As someone who advocates kindness above all else, I couldn't agree more with that notion. Words do matter. I've been in the direct line of hateful and unkind words and I, firsthand, know and relate to how painful being on that end can be.  And everyone should be mindful of what they say to others because we don't know what someone is going through and that one awful moment of hateful words can affect them in ways that are unfathomable.

But the solution to Chris Rock's irreverent comedy is not a punch to the face. For me, that stance is non-negotiable. Will Smith intentionally rose from his chair, calmly walked over to the microphone where Chris Rock was doing "a shtick" and proceeded to punch or slap him in the face, walked back to his seat then proceeded to yell out profanities to Chris Rock justifying why he did what he just did.  Chris Rock, to his credit, responded awkwardly then continued on with the show.

Then I started reading the comments: good for Will for defending his wife. How dare Chris Rock talk about Will's wife like that. He deserved it. Then I also heard from women: that's how you defend someone you love.  Or, I wish I  had a man who stood up for me like Will did for his wife. 

As a wife and mother of two sons, I can honestly say that I would never want either The Huz or my Sons to react in the way Will Smith did. Apart from the unwarranted violence, he reacted in an impulsive manner that in any other situation would have had dire consequences...a return punch that may have resulted in more violence and/or legal action.  There is always a better way to handle unkind interactions and punching someone is not one of those ways. It was not self-defense. It was a violent attack. Will Smith is in the privileged and unique position to have a strong platform in speaking out against bullying.  And he could have taken this opportunity to speak out against the insult that was directed toward his wife--bring more awareness to her medical condition and truly bring a voice to the struggles that people inflicted with it face. But instead, his actions took away, not only from the powerful awareness of the condition, but of the historical and magical night of him winning an Academy Award.

To his credit, Will made a public apology to Chris a day later.

I'm still trying to process that a major part of society who has opinions on this incident, are defending Will Smith and agreeing with his actions. For me, he did the wrong thing. As I've heard others say, full stop.  That's it.  Will Smith is, was wrong in hitting Chris Rock. And it breaks my heart that that stance is unpopular.  💔

Violence, in this case, was the wrong choice.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Redeeming Love: A Story that Touched my Heart (A Feature Film)

I came upon this movie just as a happenstance when I was scrolling through the movie section of a streaming service we currently have. I'm not going to promote that service because movies often come and go and jump around between streaming services.  I'm lucky to have had the chance to watch it as the subject and story, although extremely hard to watch at times, came full circle into an inspiring journey of loss, hardship, forgiveness, strength and love. 

The character of Micheal was unreal in the most hopeful way. The Huz, who was watching with one eye (and interested, I may add) while working at the same time, kept saying, "there's something wrong with him," and he meant it in the best way.  Michael is kind, non-judgemental, open minded, understanding and forgiving. He's the epitome of what a "Christian" person should aspire to, and unfortunately, I've never truly seen in actual life (although I've encountered many a "preaching" Christian). 

The character of Angel is a multi-faceted person,  having dealt with the hardships of life at a very young age through no fault or choosing of her own. She is understandably hardened by life and cynical of any goodness or kindness she encounters. 

Michael and Angel are the two main characters in the film, but there are a host of side characters to round out this very full story--characters you will feel the utmost sympathy for as well as characters you want to throw on the side of a boat in an ocean of hungry sharks. 🙅 Not sorry about it. 😑

I can tell you, while watching this movie, I found myself sad and angry about human nature. But there's also so many chances to feel hopeful as well.  And while I thought choosing this movie to watch was just to pass the time and maybe feel entertained, I felt that I received more from it that I would ever have expected. It's drama-filled.  And again, it's hard to watch at times, but there is a reason for everything and I did feel a payoff from my emotions. Because of the subject matter, this is for mature audiences only.  And it was also a movie adapted from a novel so read that too, if you're so inclined. 


Monday, March 14, 2022

Not About Gas Prices

As we waited in a gas line at 7am--a line that I've never seen formed at my regular station before this day--I was feeling all kinds of feelings about the situation. It made me think about the past two years and seeing people unfavorably react to situations outside of their comfort zone...shortages of toilet paper because people were hoarding, extremely long lines at popular grocery stores even though there were other places that didn't have lines, and people making current events into angry political discussions (does the Virus even exist, should we wear a mask or not, is the vaccine meant to microchip us?). I feel like everything that happens is somehow designed to yet again, polarize people and create a triggering argument (not a civil discussion) about one thing or another. 

I'm privileged that I'm able to go about my days feeling relatively safe. I live in a comfortable home with people I love. Our kitchen is well-stocked and are even able to enjoy a nice meal out every once in a while. We are able to enjoy entertainment in various forms (streaming services, books, music, video games and more) and going back to the subject of cars and gas, we're able to access transportation and get where we need to go. 

Are there ups and downs? Yes.  Always. Such as life. And it's ok to feel awful and even wallow in your sorrows when necessary.  But along with those moments, there is (and it's not just a famous saying) there is always, always something to be thankful for. 

Also, when things like increased gas prices, or supply shortages, or whatever else is going on in any given current time, we have to make adjustments in how we conduct life. One social media acquaintance posted that she decided she was going to make her own coffee instead of going to her daily franchise stop (there is so much savings in this choice). We re-adjust our budget when necessary, make cuts where we need to and lifestyle revamping (like maybe eating out less). It's all part of life and we're still more privileged than someone having bombs go off around them or calling a shelter your home. 

I'm not trying to minimize anyone's thoughts or feelings on whatever subject they want to rant about or dwell on. If that's what you want to do, do it. But I choose to just take things day-by-day, and focus on what I'm thankful for, always hoping that situations get better. 

Sending light & love out into the universe. 😘

christmas gifts and favors The Original in Vegas Nightlife Entertainment!  

Thursday, March 3, 2022

When Ignorance Screams, Intelligence Shuts Up (A Short Story)

 This story is the moment. 💥I'm more than happy to share these words of wisdom. 💁

The donkey told the tiger: The grass is blue.
The tiger replied: No, the grass is green​.
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit the issue to arbitration, and to do so they approached the lion.
Before reaching the clearing in the forest where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey started screaming: ′′Your Highness, isn't it true that the grass is blue?"​
The lion replied: "True, the grass is blue"​.
The donkey rushed forward and continued: ′′The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts me and annoys me. Please punish him"​.
The king then declared: ′′The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence"​.
The donkey jumped with joy and went on his way, content and repeating: ′′The grass is blue"​..
The tiger accepted his punishment, but he asked the lion: ′′Your Majesty, why have you punished me, after all, the grass is green?"​
The lion replied: ′′In fact, the grass is green"​.
The tiger asked: ′′So why do you punish me?"​
The lion replied:
That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green. The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave, intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that to come and bother me with that question.
The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn't care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on discussions that make no sense... There are people who for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand, and others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When ignorance screams, intelligence shuts up. Your peace and tranquility are worth more.
-- Adapted from an unknown Author