Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Our Neutral Customer Service Experience

We found ourselves having to do some business at City Hall and as usual, we experienced our own brand of adventures. Navigating any downtown city can be challenging in general, but fortunately and lucky for us, our city is not that bad. There are "free for two hours" structures around--you just have to be prepared to do some walking, but overall, it's not that bad. The Huz and I ended up walking an extra eight blocks though because we went the opposite way we needed to go. That's okay and pretty on par with our "trial & error" way-of-lifeπŸ˜‚--but the positives are, more exercise and steps in. 😊

We finally found where we needed to be and we were pleased to find it wasn't busy. We just had to pull out a ticket from a kiosk and wait for our number to be called.  There was no line so we knew, or at least hoped, it wasn't going to take very long. When our number was called and I explained what brought us here this day, the lady at our window told us to step back and she would get the correct department to help us. The Huz joked that it would be hilarious if the same lady put on a different hat or name tag and it was still her that helped us (it's been portrayed in small town scenes on television).  We had a good laugh at that and I couldn't help but want it to actually happen. LOL! 

A few minutes later, a gentleman came out and called us to his window. I explained to him what we needed and he pointed to the tray for me to put the materials into it. He grabbed the materials and went to the back.  Didn't say anything to us. He came back a few minutes later and handed us what we came for saying, "You're all set. Have a good day."  And we were on our way. Easy. Painless.  But also, funny.  Because he helped us with literally, a minimum amount of words--no extra friendliness or "extra-mile" customer service. 

As usual, The Huz cracked some jokes about it and we had a good laugh.  But ultimately, I'm okay with it. I'd rather have a quick, neutral customer service experience rather than a rude one (encounters I've had my fair share of). It works for me. Here's to more neutral experiences! πŸ‘



Monday, June 27, 2022

I'm a Stenopelmatus. Please... DON'T Kill Me!

I've seen these guys in my front and backyard and although I'm not a lover of bugs, I've never caused them harm. Thank goodness. I knew they had a purpose. Now every time I see one, I'll just whisper, "Live your best life, little guys & thanks for all you do." 😊 More than happy to share the following...

Information & picture found on the Permaculture Facebook

Have you seen me in your yard? I'm a Stenopelmatus. Please... DON'T kill me!
I would like to tell you a little about myself. Many people also know me as a potato bug, Jerusalem cricket, Skull Insect, Childface, or Mother of Scorpion. People get scared when they see me and want to kill me. Reality is that I'm running from you.
I'm not a spider nor scorpion nor cricket, and I HAVE NO POISON. 
My only weapon is my mandibles. With them I feed off the organic waste that is found next to garden plants.
We have a very important role in the environment, because we help plants growth, thanks to removing the earth and thus allowing soil oxygenation.
My life span is a year.
If you find me at night, don't kill me. I'm just looking for food and a safe place to hide. Please... DON'T kill me!
With information from Biological Community.

gifts for grads 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Woke up from a Crazy Dream

Credit given to unknown artist.
I mostly never remember the dreams I have each night. I heard that everyone dreams so I can't very well say I don't. I'm sure I do. My dreams just don't make that much of an impact. The Huz always shares his dreams which are always over-the-top elaborate and yes, crazy. He remembers them vividly. Again, me, not so much.

Then one morning I was startled awake from my own crazy dream and although the details are fuzzy, I can remember the gist of it. 

Basically, I saw dead or unconscious bodies on the floor while I was driving and because I felt I had somewhere I had to be, I didn't stop.  I carefully drove around them then made a phone call to the authorities to let them know what I'd seen. I then found myself at home when the doorbell rang to detectives claiming they need to search my house. But I adamantly replied that they couldn't search my house without a warrant. And the exchange became heated. They finally left and I found three people hanging out in a room in my house that doesn't exist in real life.  I angrily told them to leave the premises right away to which they ignored me. I tried contacting The Huz on the phone and I couldn't get a-hold of him. I felt my agitation and frustration.

Then I woke up. And I still remember the dream.  Weird, for sure. I don't think it means anything, except I've probably been watching some pretty edgy things on television lately. But, it's funny how dreams affect how we feel when we wake up.  Like, I woke up upset because in my dream I had strangers in my  house that wouldn't leave and a husband I couldn't contact--and like what was up with the dead bodies??!!  It was awful. After the initial negative feelings, I started to feel relieved the dream was just that....completely not real. And thank goodness for that. 😁

Honestly, I don't have any words of wisdom to share. I'm just happy the dream was not real.  That's it.  LOL!  Sending happiness out to everyone. 😘

customized wine glasses 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Appreciate the Well Designed Female Body You Inhabit

I've consciously and unconsciously struggled with body image and relationship with food for as long as I could remember. I've been a participant of diet culture on and off my entire life. And only lately have I exposed myself to healthier mindsets found on vlogs and print that have focused on re-training the female mind to reject the constant pressures society puts on female appearances. When we tell a woman "she looks good" after losing weight, we don't take into account the journey that woman takes just to hear the (almost always temporary) euphoria she feels after hearing comments like that. Has she been starving herself to lose weight? Sometimes, yes. 

The journey of gaining weight, losing weight, feeling inadequate, feeling unattractive for pounds gained, feeling accepted when weight is lost, then feeling like a failure when weight is gained--is a familiar cycle for many women. It certainly has been for me.  And I never realized it was an issue and never equated it to my mental state over the years. It just felt normal to diet, to decide to go ahead and eat, feel guilty for not watching what I eat, then deciding oh, it's time to diet again. It's an ugly cycle I want to break.

That's not even including the idea of movement and exercise as a reward for consuming calories--if I eat this, I'll need to do *this* many sit-ups...etc... Movement and exercise is good for the body. It shouldn't be attached to restrictions or negotiations with food and calories ingested. My chosen form of exercise is walking. I walk because it makes me feel good--makes me feel stronger.  

I've been learning all about gut health and eating foods that are good for the microbiome in my stomach. These foods include a variety of vegetables, legumes, both carbs and proteins--basically a variety of foods--some would describe as "healthy". But I've also learned that seeing food as "good" or "bad" is damaging and contributes to my participation in the diet culture. I'll allow myself to monitor sugar intake and other things because I know it will compromise my health if I don't, but I'll also have a brownie on occasion if I want it. I'm working towards finding a comfortable equilibrium.

So, I try and learn more--about myself, really. What works for me. Accept me--my metabolism, my appetite, my chosen mode of physical activity--all things that make me, me. And it's most often not what societal norms are. Ultimately, I believe most of us are just trying to feel and be comfortable in our own bodies. And as with many aspects in life it's a continuing, evolving life challenge for me.

I've found some helpful Youtube channels that focus on body acceptance, intuitive eating and a break from diet culture.  Check them out if you feel you need some help or inspiration. But also, seek professional help if you need it too. 

heal with kailin

Julia Ayers

Linda Sun

Along with these great Youtubers, be aware that the platform also has many vloggers perpetuating opposite ideologies--calorie counting, restrictive eating, various forms of dieting. Select content that fits your needs--what contributes to a healthier mindset. It's a tricky balance to navigate the whole culture of diet, body positivity, body acceptance, and body neutrality. πŸ‘½

Here's a great poem I found on Social Media. Hope you find something in it that inspires.


The female body was never supposed to be smooth, firm and flawless.
It was designed to create life, to host life, to feed life.
Yes there are many other amazing aspects to us all and this design in no way defines us, but underpinning our fight to retain a ‘figure’, is a whole network of genetics, science and an entire evolutionary process which wants to create, store and produce fat for protection and hormonal health.
So, if you are losing a battle for slimness, do not for a moment think this is all your fault.
You are trying to blow away the wind.
Feed yourself well, physically, mentally and spiritually, and then enjoy your life with the vessel you inhabit.
It’s a one shot only thing.
Peace, laughter and acceptance are the best medicines around.
Donna Ashworth Words
From ‘I wish I knew’:
Art ‘Hilda’ by Duane Bryers #duanebryershilda


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