Thursday, January 25, 2018

Climate Change is Real, So Why Don't You Believe It?

I have no interest in getting into a discussion of whether or not Climate Change is real. The statistics are out there, and the scientific community are in agreement that human activity (excessive use of fossil fuels, pollution, and unsustainable practices) are causing damage to our environment. Our oceans are getting warmer and more acidic and wildlife is being threatened.  I have been conscious of my carbon footprint for many years and have passed on this awareness to my children.  But some people still believe that Climate Change is a hoax--that the planet is not being damaged so human behavior does not need to be altered in regards to better ecological practices.  In my experience, when people have set beliefs, it's difficult to convince them otherwise, despite having scientific facts and reasoning. The following video from YouTube gives some insight as to why some people still don't believe that Climate Change is real....
  • Why People Don't Believe in Climate Change       
  • Humans respond better to threats that involve P.A.I.N--Personal, Abrupt, Immoral, & things that affect us Now
  • Optimism bias- bad things won't happen to us--just other people. 
  • Cherry pick evidence, there are other explanations
  • Believes that the small percentage of uncertainty in Science makes it false, even though 97% of scientists are in agreement. 
  • Framework of beliefs, social group beliefs
I don't really recommend arguing, since it often leads nowhere....but in a sane conversation or discussion, this might be helpful.

In response to a recent (famous) comment (paraphrased), "Well, the East is having it's coldest winter EVER. Climate Change is not real". 

Let's be aware of the things that we do to and for the environment. Changes and better practices start in our homes. So, make the effort to lower your carbon footprint. It's not too late. One World. One Planet! 

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