Friday, July 17, 2015

Hey, You Really Are Beautiful!

There is so much negativity out there...on the internet, in print, in normal everyday interaction. I read many articles online and very rarely do I not see a negative comment even in the most neutral of topics.  Like on an announcement of birth, a marriage or even a posting of a celebrity family picture, you would think, what negativity could someone possibly say about this? Sure enough, I see, "Ew, I can't believe they procreated", or "He/she could've done better", and "They have a year old daughter & they're not married? What's wrong with her?"

Doing my part, I always try to post something positive like, "Congratulations!" or "Wishing you much happiness" or "What a cute family pic".  And guess what?, often...I mean like all the time, I will get a thumbs down.  A thumbs down!!!  For a simple positive comment.  I guess it irritates people when they see someone being nice to others. 

So the video below broke my heart.  Words hurt.  They always have. The saying, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you", is all wrong. (I heard this saying SO much growing up.) Bones can heal. Negative feelings and low self-esteem hurt on a level that some never recover from. 

   So, I say to you, you are beautiful.  YOU are beautiful. You ARE beautiful. You are BEAUTIFUL! 

Smile at strangers. Compliment others. Be considerate. Show kindness. Trust me, the world needs it.


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  1. Thanks for sharing the video, I had never seen it. It's very sad that in today's society anyone with a keyboard can wreck someones self esteem. Be kind or be quiet.
