Monday, December 7, 2015

A Contact Lens Wearer Challenge!

I've been wearing glasses since the 4th grade and contact lenses since I was a sophomore in high school. It's safe to say that I've used my fair share of contact lens solutions over the years.  When I first transitioned to contact lenses (in the year that shall not be named), taking care of them was a multi-step process.  There was enzyme cleaning, rinsing, storing, then rinsing again. Over the years, many products have been developed to make things a lot easier and simpler. Enter the "multi-purpose" solution.  One bottle works as a cleaning agent, rinsing liquid, and storage solution. Anything that saves time is a win in my book.
I recently took the not-so-daring Biotrue challenge.  I was sent my free sample bottle (yay!) of Biotrue to "try", "feel" and hopefully, "love" the product.
Try: I used the product daily for 5 days straight, 2 times a day--that's cleaning and storing at night, then rinsing and using the lenses in the morning.
Feel: The question is, does this solution feel differently from other solutions I've used? Is the difference so significant that it would bound my loyalty? In all honesty? No, not really.  Don't get me wrong, my eyes felt good. I didn't feel any irritation throughout the day.  But towards the end of the day, I could feel the typical dryness and my eyes were ready for their usual break. So for me, it's as good as the leading brand of multi-purpose solutions I've used.
Love: No. More like "strong like". It's good. I'm recommending it. But you won't catch me singing its praises on my rooftop.   
  All my experiences and opinions are genuine & truly my own.

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