Thursday, October 27, 2016

Different and Still United

I can often be cynical about commercials and public service announcements (PSAs), but I love when I see a piece that stands out and speaks to me.  Have you seen the Android commercial with the rock, paper & scissors? If my memory holds correctly, I first saw it in a movie theater & enjoyed it.  Aside from the cute characters, the message is solid: Be together. Not the same.
Cute, right? I love the music too. Again, we don't always have to be the same to get along.  Celebrate differences!
Because even with all our differences, we are all still the same.

This is probably the hardest advice for people-pleasing personalities.  It's okay to not be liked. Just find your people.
I love this advice because I happen to be weird. And I'm good with that. ☺
Some people will never get you, so just keep searching for those that do. It's all a part of life.
This is a great concept, but one of the hardest to implement. The struggle is always there. Fight to be you though. As the saying goes, "do you". 
Book of the MonthWith the current political climate and current events going on in the world, it's easier to find conflicts with one another.  But I always try to remind myself that free thought is what we're all about.  It's okay to disagree with someone without belittling them. We are living beings cohabiting in this great planet. I hope & pray for peace around the world: Be together, not the same. ♥
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